Below you find comparisons (mapping tables) showing the key differences of various information security standards.
All standard comparisons are subject to no guarantee of accuracy or completeness.

Hier finden Sie Vergleiche verschiedener Normen zur Informationssicherheit.
Alle Normenvergleiche sind ohne Gewähr für Richtigkeit und Vollständigkeit.

Comparison of the requirements of ISO 27001:2022 with ISA 6 (TISAX®)

What you see here: A comparison of the requirements (mapping table), starting from Clause4 of ISO 27001. In the left column you see the requirements of Clauses 4 to 10 and of Annex A, in the right column you see the related controls from ISA. Please note that the requirements of ISA are in most cases more extensive than those of ISO 27001. A fulfilled control in Appendix A therefore does not mean complete conformity with the related control in the ISA catalog.

What you don't see here: You don't see a complete list of controls from ISA - there are controls in ISA that are not included in Annex A of ISO 27001.

Abgleich der Anforderungen der ISO 27001:2022 mit ISA 6 (TISAX®)

Was Sie hier sehen: Einen Abgleich der Anforderungen, ausgehend von Kapitel 4 der ISO 27001. In der linken Spalte sehen Sie die Anforderungen der Kapitel 4 bis 10 und des Anhangs A, in der rechten Spalte sehen Sie die themenverwandten Controls aus ISA. Beachten Sie, dass die Anforderungen aus ISA in den meisten Fällen umfangreicher sind als die der ISO 27001. Ein erfülltes Control des Anhang A bedeutet daher noch keine vollständige Konformität mit dem themenverwandten Control des ISA - Kataloges.

Was Sie hier nicht sehen: Sie sehen keine vollständige Auflistung der Controls aus ISA - es gibt Controls in ISA, die nicht im Anhang A der ISO 27001 enthalten sind.

ISO 27001:2022 Clause ISA 6 (TISAX®) Control
4 Context of the organization 1.1.1 / 1.2.1 / 1.2.2
5 Leadership 1.1.1 / 1.2.2
6 Planning 1.1.1 / 1.2.1 / 1.4.1
7 Support 1.1.1 / 1.2.2
8 Operation 1.2.4 / 1.3.4 / 1.4.1
9 Performance evaluation 1.2.1 / 1.5.1
10 Improvement 1.5.1 / 1.5.2 / 1.6.2
ISO 27001:2022 Control ISA 6 (TISAX®) Control
5.1 Policies for information security 1.1.1
5.2 Information security roles and responsibilities 1.2.2
5.3 Segregation of duties 1.2.2
5.4 Management responsibilities 1.2.1 / 2.1.3
5.5 Contact with authorities ---
5.6 Contact with special interest groups ---
5.7 Threat intelligence ---
5.8 Information security in project 1.2.3
5.9 Inventory of information and other associated assets 1.3.1
5.10 Acceptable use of information and other associated assets 1.3.2 / 3.1.3
5.11 Return of assets 3.1.3
5.12 Classification of information 1.3.2
5.13 Labelling of information 1.3.2
5.14 Information transfer 1.3.2 / 5.1.2 / 6.1.2
5.15 Access control 3.1.1 / 4.1.1 / 4.1.2
5.16 Identity management 4.1.3
5.17 Authentication information 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
5.18 Access rights 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
5.19 Information security in supplier relationships 6.1.1
5.20 Addressing information security within supplier agreements 6.1.2
5.21 Managing information security in the information and communication technology (ICT) supply chain 6.1.1 / 6.1.2
5.22 Monitoring, review and change management of supplier services 6.1.1
5.23 Information security for use of cloud services 1.2.4 / 5.3.3 / 5.3.4
5.24 Information security incident management planning and preparation 1.6.1 / 1.6.2
5.25 Assessment and decision on information security events 1.6.1
5.26 Response to information security incidents 1.6.2
5.27 Learning from information security incidents 1.6.2
5.28 Collection of evidence 1.6.2
5.29 Information security during disruption 1.6.3 / 5.2.8 / 5.2.9
ISO 27001:2022 Control ISA 6 (TISAX®) Control
5.30 ICT readiness for business continuity 5.2.8
5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements 5.1.1 / 7.1.1
5.32 Intellectual property rights 1.3.4 / 7.1.1
5.33 Protection of records 7.1.1
5.34 Privacy and protection of personal identifiable information (PII) 7.1.1 / 7.1.2
5.35 Independent review of information security 1.5.2
5.36 Compliance with policies, rules and standards for information security 1.5.1
5.37 Documented operating procedures 1.1.1
6.1 Screening 2.1.1
6.2 Terms and conditions of employment 2.1.2
6.3 Information security awareness, education and training 2.1.3
6.4 Disciplinary process 1.1.1 / 2.1.2
6.5 Responsibilities after termination or change of employment 2.1.2
6.6 Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements 2.1.2 / 6.1.2
6.7 Remote working 2.1.4
6.8 Information security event reporting 1.6.1
7.1 Physical security perimeters 3.1.1
7.2 Physical entry 3.1.1
7.3 Securing offices, rooms and facilities 3.1.1
7.4 Physical security monitoring 3.1.1
7.5 Protecting against physical and environmental threats 1.6.3
7.6 Working in secure areas 3.1.1
7.7 Clear desk and clear screen 1.1.1 / 3.1.1
7.8 Equipment siting and protection ---
7.9 Security of assets off-premises 2.1.4 / 3.1.4
7.10 Storage media 3.1.3
7.11 Supporting utilities ---
7.12 Cabling security ---
7.13 Equipment maintenance ---
ISO 27001:2022 Control ISA 6 (TISAX®) Control
7.14 Secure disposal or re-use of equipment 3.1.3
8.1 User end point devices 5.2.3
8.2 Privileged access rights 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
8.3 Information access restriction 1.3.2 / 4.1.2
8.4 Access to source code 1.3.4
8.5 Secure authentication 4.1.2
8.6 Capacity management ---
8.7 Protection against malware 5.2.3
8.8 Management of technical vulnerabilities 5.2.5
8.9 Configuration management 1.3.3
8.10 Information deletion 1.3.2 / 5.1.1 / 5.3.1
8.11 Data masking ---
8.12 Data leakage prevention ---
8.13 Information backup 5.2.9
8.14 Redundancy of information processing facilities 1.6.3 / 5.2.8 / 5.2.9 / 5.3.2
8.15 Logging 5.2.4
8.16 Monitoring activities 5.2.4
8.17 Clock synchronization ---
8.18 Use of privileged utility programs ---
8.19 Installation of software on operational systems 5.2.5
8.20 Networks security 5.2.7
8.21 Security of network services 5.2.7 / 5.3.2
8.22 Segregation of networks 5.2.7
8.23 Web filtering 1.3.3
8.24 Use of cryptography 5.1.1 / 5.1.2
8.25 Secure development life cycle 5.2.2
8.26 Application security requirements 5.2.1
8.27 Secure system architecture and engineering principles 5.3.1
8.28 Secure coding 5.3.1
ISO 27001:2022 Control ISA 6 (TISAX®) Control
8.29 Security testing in development and acceptance 5.3.1
8.30 Outsourced development 5.2.2 / 5.3.1
8.31 Separation of development, test and production environments 5.2.2
8.32 Change management 5.2.1
8.33 Test information 5.2.1
8.34 Protection of information systems during audit testing 5.2.6
Comparison of the requirements of ISO 27001:2022 with VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®)

What you see here: A comparison of the requirements (mapping table), starting from Annex A of ISO 27001. In the left column you see the requirements of Annex A, in the right column you see the related controls from VDA® ISA. Please note that the requirements of VDA® ISA are in most cases more extensive than those of ISO 27001. A fulfilled control in Appendix A therefore does not mean complete conformity with the related control in the VDA® ISA catalog.

What you don't see here: You don't see a complete list of controls from VDA® ISA - there are controls in VDA® ISA that are not included in Annex A of ISO 27001.

Abgleich der Anforderungen der ISO 27001:2022 mit VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®)

Was Sie hier sehen: Einen Abgleich der Anforderungen, ausgehend von Anhang A der ISO 27001. In der linken Spalte sehen Sie die Anforderungen des Anhang A, in der rechten Spalte sehen Sie die themenverwandten Controls aus VDA® ISA. Beachten Sie, dass die Anforderungen aus VDA® ISA in den meisten Fällen umfangreicher sind als die der ISO 27001. Ein erfülltes Control des Anhang A bedeutet daher noch keine vollständige Konformität mit dem themenverwandten Control das VDA® ISA - Kataloges.

Was Sie hier nicht sehen: Sie sehen keine vollständige Auflistung der Controls aus VDA® ISA - es gibt Controls in VDA® ISA, die nicht im Anhang A der ISO 27001 enthalten sind.

ISO 27001:2022 Control VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®) Control
5.1 Policies for information security 1.1.1
5.2 Information security roles and responsibilities 1.2.2
5.3 Segregation of duties 1.2.2
5.4 Management responsibilities 1.2.1 / 2.1.3
5.5 Contact with authorities ---
5.6 Contact with special interest groups ---
5.7 Threat intelligence ---
5.8 Information security in project 1.2.3
5.9 Inventory of information and other associated assets 1.3.1
5.10 Acceptable use of information and other associated assets 1.3.2 / 3.1.3
5.11 Return of assets 3.1.3
5.12 Classification of information 1.3.2
5.13 Labelling of information 1.3.2
5.14 Information transfer 1.3.2 / 5.1.2 / 6.1.2
5.15 Access control 3.1.1 / 4.1.1 / 4.1.2
5.16 Identity management 4.1.3
5.17 Authentication information 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
5.18 Access rights 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
5.19 Information security in supplier relationships 6.1.1
5.20 Addressing information security within supplier agreements 6.1.2
5.21 Managing information security in the information and communication technology (ICT) supply chain 6.1.1 / 6.1.2
5.22 Monitoring, review and change management of supplier services 6.1.1
5.23 Information security for use of cloud services 1.2.4 / 5.3.3 / 5.3.4
5.24 Information security incident management planning and preparation 1.6.1
5.25 Assessment and decision on information security events 1.6.1
5.26 Response to information security incidents 1.6.1
5.27 Learning from information security incidents 1.6.1
5.28 Collection of evidence 1.6.1
5.29 Information security during disruption 3.1.2
ISO 27001:2022 Control VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®) Control
5.30 ICT readiness for business continuity 3.1.2
5.31 Legal, statutory, regulatory and contractual requirements 5.1.1 / 7.1.1
5.32 Intellectual property rights 7.1.1
5.33 Protection of records 7.1.1
5.34 Privacy and protection of personal identifiable information (PII) 7.1.1 / 7.1.2
5.35 Independent review of information security 1.5.2
5.36 Compliance with policies, rules and standards for information security 1.5.1
5.37 Documented operating procedures 1.1.1
6.1 Screening 2.1.1
6.2 Terms and conditions of employment 2.1.2
6.3 Information security awareness, education and training 2.1.3
6.4 Disciplinary process 2.1.2
6.5 Responsibilities after termination or change of employment 2.1.2
6.6 Confidentiality or non-disclosure agreements 2.1.2 / 6.1.2
6.7 Remote working 2.1.4
6.8 Information security event reporting 1.6.1
7.1 Physical security perimeters 3.1.1
7.2 Physical entry 3.1.1
7.3 Securing offices, rooms and facilities 3.1.1
7.4 Physical security monitoring 3.1.1
7.5 Protecting against physical and environmental threats 3.1.2
7.6 Working in secure areas 3.1.1
7.7 Clear desk and clear screen 1.1.1 / 3.1.1
7.8 Equipment siting and protection ---
7.9 Security of assets off-premises 2.1.4 / 3.1.4
7.10 Storage media 3.1.3
7.11 Supporting utilities ---
7.12 Cabling security ---
7.13 Equipment maintenance ---
ISO 27001:2022 Control VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®) Control
7.14 Secure disposal or re-use of equipment 3.1.3
8.1 User end point devices 5.2.3
8.2 Privileged access rights 4.1.3 / 4.2.1
8.3 Information access restriction 1.3.2 / 4.1.2
8.4 Access to source code ---
8.5 Secure authentication 4.1.2
8.6 Capacity management ---
8.7 Protection against malware 5.2.3
8.8 Management of technical vulnerabilities 5.2.5
8.9 Configuration management 1.3.3
8.10 Information deletion 1.3.2 / 5.1.1 / 5.3.1
8.11 Data masking ---
8.12 Data leakage prevention ---
8.13 Information backup 3.1.2
8.14 Redundancy of information processing facilities 3.1.2
8.15 Logging 5.2.4
8.16 Monitoring activities 5.2.4
8.17 Clock synchronization ---
8.18 Use of privileged utility programs ---
8.19 Installation of software on operational systems 5.2.5
8.20 Networks security 5.2.7
8.21 Security of network services 5.2.7 / 5.3.2
8.22 Segregation of networks 5.2.7
8.23 Web filtering 1.3.3
8.24 Use of cryptography 5.1.1 / 5.1.2
8.25 Secure development life cycle 5.2.2
8.26 Application security requirements 5.2.1
8.27 Secure system architecture and engineering principles 5.3.1
8.28 Secure coding 5.3.1
ISO 27001:2022 Control VDA® ISA 5.1 (TISAX®) Control
8.29 Security testing in development and acceptance 5.3.1
8.30 Outsourced development 5.2.2 / 5.3.1
8.31 Separation of development, test and production environments 5.2.2
8.32 Change management 5.2.1
8.33 Test information 5.2.1
8.34 Protection of information systems during audit testing 5.2.6

Soon you will find additional mapping tables!

Hier finden Sie demnächst weitere Normenvergleiche!

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